$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/kong <name>
- The busted output handler that conbine htest and junit.
- Coroutine Oriented Portable Asynchronous Services
- DNS library for OpenResty
- Kong is a scalable and customizable API Management Layer built on top of Nginx.
- Pure Lua Cassandra - CQL client
- A web framework for MoonScript & Lua
- A Lua module using LuaJIT's FFI feature to access zlib. (Kong's fork)
- Lua Kafka client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API
- A pure-lua solution for running untrusted Lua code.
- A binding for OpenSSL library to provide TLS/SSL communication over LuaSocket.
- Postgres driver for OpenResty and Lua
- Let's Encrypt integration with Kong
- Kong plugin to invoke AWS Lambda functions
- This plugin allows Kong to invoke Azure functions.
- grpc-gateway gateway for Kong.
- gRPC-Web gateway for Kong.
- This plugin allows Kong to inject Kong sidecars into Kubernetes Pods
- This plugin allows Kong to invoke OpenWhisk action.
- Kong Request Transformer Plugin
- Dynamically run Lua code from Kong during access phase.
- A Kong plugin to support implementing sessions for auth plugins.
- This plugin allows Kong to propagate Zipkin headers and report to a Zipkin server
- Prometheus metrics for Kong and upstreams configured in Kong
- HTTP Proxy Caching for Kong
- Openresty lua client for redis cluster
- Postgres driver for OpenResty and Lua
- IP utils
- Simple interface from Lua to an LDAP Client
- This is a simple Lua library for packing and unpacking binary data
- AWS SDK for OpenResty
- Azure SDK for OpenResty
- Consul Events HTTP API Wrapper for OpenResty
- Lock-free counter for OpenResty.
- DNS library
- GCP SDK for OpenResty
- Healthchecks for OpenResty to check upstream service status
- Mediador, determine address of proxied request and IP handling
- lua-resty-shell - Lua module for nonblocking system shell command executions
- Extended timer library for OpenResty
- A scalable timer library for OpenResty.
- Kong-managed fork of lua-resty-websocket
- Reverse-proxying of websocket frames
- Cross worker eventbus for OpenResty
- System Constants
- UUID generation
- A simple HTTP multipart encoder/decoder for Lua
- Lua platform API for OpenTracing
- Postgres driver for OpenResty and Lua
- Utilities for networking ports
- Version comparison library