
Openresty lua client for redis cluster

$ luarocks install kong-redis-cluster

Openresty environment lua client with redis cluster support.
This is a wrapper around the 'resty.redis' library with cluster discovery
and failover recovery support.


1.5.5-01 hour ago2 downloads
1.5.4-0118 days ago965 downloads
1.5.3-0339 days ago5,192 downloads
1.5.2-01 year ago369 downloads
1.5.1-01 year ago2,939 downloads
1.5.0-01 year ago18,334 downloads
1.4.0-11 year ago43,544 downloads
1.3.0-11 year ago33,344 downloads
1.3.0-02 years ago22,329 downloads
1.2.0-03 years ago96,799 downloads
1.1-05 years ago(revision: 2)48,705 downloads


lua >= 5.1

Dependency for

edge, gt-mp-prometheus-plugin, kong-plugin-oidc
