tarantool Manifest (14)
$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/m/tarantool <name>
Test manifest
- The proper way to use Tarantool background fibers
- Expiration daemon for bee
- A high-performance functional programming library for LuaJIT
- Bindings for Google Performnace Tools CPU profiler
- Tarantool module for HTTP client/server.
- LuaJIT access to the Linux procfs
- crc16 for lua
- Openresty library for querying the tarantool NoSQL database
- MySQL connector for Tarantool
- PostgreSQL connector for Tarantool
- Queue collection for tarantool
- Lua sharding for Tarantool
- Easy, terse, readable and fast function arguments type checking
- Convenient error handling in tarantool