
$ luarocks install --server= <name>


  • afl-lua by ligurio — downloads: 97
    A module that enables integration with American Fuzzy Lop
  • ljopt by ligurio — downloads: 1
    Translate LuaJIT BC and IR to SMT
  • luamut by ligurio — downloads: 20
    A practical mutation testing tool for Lua
  • luzer by ligurio — downloads: 250
    A coverage-guided, native Lua fuzzer
  • molly by ligurio — downloads: 80
    A framework for distributed systems verification, with fault injection
  • tarantool-checks by ligurio — downloads: 242
    Easy, terse, readable and fast function arguments type checking
  • tarantool-errors by ligurio — downloads: 108
    Convenient error handling in tarantool
  • unreliablefs by ligurio — downloads: 101
    A FUSE-based fault injection filesystem