luajit Manifest (20)
This page lists modules in the manifest that contain
development versions. See the complete list of modules on the main luajit
manifest page.
$ luarocks install --server= <name>
Modules for LuaJIT
- A LuaJIT to BPF compiler.
- CIFAR dataset
- Cirno's Perfect Math Library
- Continuation Queues: Embeddable asynchronous networking, threading, and notification framework for Lua on Unix.
- Expiration daemon for bee
- A high-performance functional programming library for LuaJIT
- Lua libraries to work with Gleam
- Bindings for Google Performnace Tools CPU profiler
- An algorithm library based on C/C++
- LuaJIT FFI binding for the nDPI deep packet inspection library
- LuaJIT FFI Bindings for libevdev.
- A Firebase modules in Lua
- Templating Engine (HTML) for Lua and OpenResty
- LuaJIT FFI Bindings for libudev.
- Lua bindings to ZeroMQ
- A frequency module for Nginx written in Lua
- A networking suite for LuaJIT2 and Linux, optimized for performance.
- Typed is a module to aid in allowing for typed code.
- A UTF-8 support module for Lua
- A tool for visualizing live, rich data for Torch and Numpy.