luajit Manifest (78)
$ luarocks install --server= <name>
Modules for LuaJIT
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- 30 lines library for object orientation
- Lua AMQP 0.9.1 client
- beemovie text generator
- A LuaJIT to BPF compiler.
- Luajit ffi library for brotli compression.
- CIFAR dataset
- Configuration Parser
- Cirno's Perfect Math Library
- Continuation Queues: Embeddable asynchronous networking, threading, and notification framework for Lua on Unix.
- Lua module for Delaunay triangulation of convex polygons
- Expiration daemon for bee
- A Kong plugin, that let you use an external Oauth 2.0 provider to protect your API
- A Kong plugin, that let you use an external Oauth 2.0 provider to protect your API
- A high-performance functional programming library for LuaJIT
- Lua libraries to work with Gleam
- Bindings for Google Performnace Tools CPU profiler
- A Kong plugin that adapts Google Storage
- Kong-rbac is a rbac plugin for in Kong
- This plugin provides a reverse proxy cache implementation for Kong.
- An algorithm library based on C/C++
- LuaJIT access to the Linux procfs
- A contemporary DNS library focused on performance using LuaJIT FFI.
- LuaJIT FFI binding for the nDPI deep packet inspection library
- Lua Linux User Interface
- Boolean Expression library for Lua
- Brotli compression library binding for Lua.
- Lua-capnproto is a pure lua implementation of capnproto based on luajit.
- A fast JSON encoding/parsing module
- A Lua frontend to OpenSSL
- LuaJIT FFI Bindings for libevdev.
- XML Expat parsing
- A Firebase modules in Lua
- Bindings for hiredis Redis-client library. with a fix of lua5.2 support
- LuaJIT FFI binding for AutoHotkey_H
- LZ4 fast compression algorithm binding for Lua.
- Request logging library for Lua and OpenResty
- LuaJIT FFI bindings to Ada — WHATWG-compliant and fast URL parser
- Templating Engine (HTML) for Lua and OpenResty
- Interactive console (REPL) for Openresty to inspect Lua VM internal state, to run lua code, to invoke functions and more
- LuaJIT FFI bindings to libmagic, magic number recognition library - tries to determine file types.
- Github issue library for Lua and OpenResty
- HMAC library for Lua and OpenResty
- LuaJIT FFI bindings to Hoedown, a standards compliant, fast, secure markdown processing library in C
- LuaJIT FFI bindings to libinjection — SQL / SQLI / XSS tokenizer parser analyzer
- LuaJIT FFI-based cJSON library (tested with OpenResty too).
- Simple shm-based nonblocking lock API
- LuaJIT FFI Bindings to libmacaroons
- LuaJIT MurmurHash 2 Bindings to Nginx / OpenResty murmurhash2 implementation.
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