All Modules (5426)
- A Kong plugin for implementing the OpenID Connect Relying Party (RP) functionality
- A Kong ACL plugin for oidc plugin
- A Kong ACL plugin for oidc plugin from pravin-raha/kong-plugin-oidc-acl and fixed
- Integrate the Open Policy Agent (OPA) for API access management with Kong API Gateway
- Integrate the Open Policy Agent (OPA) with Kong API Gateway for API access management
- This plugin allows Kong to invoke OpenWhisk action.
- Kong plugin to make JWT verification optinal
- Kong plugin for Oracle IDCS OAuth2 Authentication
- Kong is a scalable and customizable API Management Layer built on top of Nginx.
- I can transfor param into upstream.
- Kong plugin for PASETO (Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens)
- A Kong plugin for rewriting upstream route uris.
- Replace placeholders in upstream service URLs. - DEPRECATED - TO BE REMOVED
- PerimeterX Kong plugin
- A Kong plugin to integrate Ping products.
- Kong custom plugin for hiting the specified upstream target
- Exposes metrics for prometheus on the admin endpoint of Kong.
- Kong Plugin Proxycache. Use for cache response temporary.
- A Kong plugin that will convert QueryParams into headers
- Resource Access Management on top of Kong
- Kong is a scalable and customizable API Management Layer built on top of Nginx.
- Kong-rbac is a rbac plugin for Kong
- Kong-rbac is a rbac plugin for Kong
- Kong-rbac is a rbac plugin for in Kong
- use redis key auth in Kong
- Easily add referer access to your API by enabling this plugin
- Easily add referer black list access to your API by enabling this plugin
- This kong plugin allow you to replace upstream url.
- Kong Request Firewall Plugin, it can validate various types of input.
- Kong is a scalable and customizable API Management Layer built on top of Nginx.
- Add X-Request-Start header to requests
- Kong Request Transformer Plugin
- Kong Request Transformer Plugin
- Validate preconditions to allow or deny a request based on rules defined in config section
- Reroute a request to a custom service if heder value matches with the configuration. The custom service will bem called after the upstream service.
- Reroute a request to a custom service if header value mathces with configuration, and not calls the upstream service.
- Reroute a request to a custom service if header value matches with the configuration, before calls the upstream service.
- Kong plugin to transform the resource ids to uuids.
- This plugin provides a reverse proxy cache implementation for Kong.
- A Kong plugin
- Kong Plugin Rewrite use for rewrite querst temporary.
- This kong plugin allows you to dynamically change upstream url based on cookies.
- A Kong plugin for routing based on JSONRPC method
- Rule based header transformer for Kong - DEPRECATED - TO BE REMOVED
- kong-plugin-sa-jwt-claims-validate is a plugin for kong v2 family, that helps to validate JWT token contents before accessing your API
- Salt kong sensor
- A plugin that implements AB tests by Xsolla Splitter API