$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/zhengsu <name>


  • lua-gd by ZHENGSU — downloads: 3,737
    A lua-gd library install package with luarocks
  • lua-hiredis-cluster by ZHENGSU — downloads: 113
    Bindings for hiredis Redis-client library support redis cluster
  • lua-resty-info by ZHENGSU — downloads: 103
    A module for OpenResty displays all sorts of information about currently running installation of Nginx and Lua
  • lua-xlsxwriter by ZHENGSU — downloads: 818
    A lua module for creating Excel XLSX files.
  • nginx-lua-waf by ZHENGSU — downloads: 122
  • uuidx by ZHENGSU — downloads: 292
    A extern lua package with uuid,support 128 bit and 256 bit
  • xls-read by ZHENGSU — downloads: 281
    A xls read package with luarocks