$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/olivine-labs <name>
- Elegant Lua unit testing.
- A library for encoding and decoding json web tokens.
- A fast JSON encoding/parsing module
- Lua Assertions Extension
- {{Mustache}} rendering for Lua
- Lua web framework.
- Configuration table plugin for lusty.
- error handling by status code.
- form input for lusty.
- html input and output for lusty.
- Json input and output for lusty.
- Logging interface for lusty.
- Logging interface for lusty.
- mustache template rendering for lusty.
- Nginx plugin for lusty.
- Lusty plugin for handling requests with a lua file.
- Lusty plugin for handling requests with a lua file for a pattern.
- HTTP param rewrites for lusty.
- Statsd interface for lusty.
- Persistence interface for lusty.
- Mongo plugin for lusty persistence interface.
- MySQL plugin for lusty persistence interface.
- Template interface for lusty.
- Event handling through channels
- lua promises.
- Mongo driver for openresty.
- Lua String Hashing/Indexing Library