$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/lalawue <name>
- Process Group Manager
- Self-balancing Binary Search Tree for Lua
- A minimalist, fast and high configurable web framework for LuaJIT on mnet or nginx
- LuaJIT FFI Bindings for bzlib
- Socket utilities
- Socket utilities
- LuaJIT FFI interface for MMKV
- Lua base DSL for writing HTML documents
- double linked list for Lua
- Bitcask Key/Value store for Lua
- Memory bsdiff & bspatch lib for Lua
- LZ77 lossless data compression for Lua
- RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol) parser module
- Cross platform network library support pull style API
- MoonCake is Swift like programming language compiles to Lua
- HTTP multipart/form-data parser/builder
- Lua object serialize library
- Yet another protocol library like google protocol buffers , but simple and fast.