$ luarocks install luaunit
LuaUnit is a popular unit-testing framework for Lua, with an interface typical of xUnit libraries (Python unittest, Junit, NUnit, ...). It supports several output formats (Text, TAP, JUnit, ...) to be used directly or work with Continuous Integration platforms
(Jenkins, Hudson, ...).
For simplicity, LuaUnit is contained into a single-file and has no external dependency. To start using it, just add the file *luaunit.lua* to your project of install the rock (you need at least LuaRocks version 2.4.4 (due to old versions of wget being incompatible with GitHub https downloading)
Tutorial and reference documentation is available on
LuaUnit may also be used as an assertion library, to validate assertions inside a running program. In addition, it provides a pretty stringifier which converts any type into a nicely formatted string (including complex nested or recursive tables).
For more information about LuaUnit, visit the website http://github.com/bluebird75/luaunit .