A fuzzy string-matching algorithm

$ luarocks install fzy

Fzy is a smart, fuzzy string-matching algorithm. That means 1) it finds subsequence matches, so it will find "abc" in "ant bat cat"; 2) the string "ant bat cat" is a better match for "abc" than the string "table cloth".


scm-1dev197 days ago126 downloads
1.0.3-1196 days ago3,554 downloads
1.0.2-1196 days ago16 downloads
1.0-11 year ago906 downloads
main-1196 days ago1 download
0.4-13 years ago2,527 downloads
0.3-13 years ago7 downloads
0.2-13 years ago16 downloads
0.1-13 years ago6 downloads


lua >= 5.1

Dependency for

care.nvim, rocks.nvim
