
NeoVim Colorscheme Persistence

$ luarocks install astral.nvim

This very simple plugin allows Neovim to remember the last used colorscheme and restore it when Neovim opens.

It also implements a fallback_themes option to define themes used when the previous theme is not saved or unavailable.

This allows users to quickly change themes without manually editing their config.


1.0.9-154 days ago21 downloads
1.0.8-155 days ago1 download
1.0.7-155 days ago1 download
1.0.6-155 days ago1 download
1.0.5-155 days ago1 download
1.0.4-156 days ago1 download
1.0.3-156 days ago2 downloads
1.0.2-156 days ago1 download
1.0.1-156 days ago1 download
1.0.0-156 days ago1 download


lua >= 5.1

