Coroutine Oriented Portable Asynchronous Services

Copas is a dispatcher based on coroutines that can be used by
TCP/IP servers. It uses LuaSocket as the interface with the
TCP/IP stack. A server registered with Copas should provide a
handler for requests and use Copas socket functions to send
the response. Copas loops through requests and invokes the
corresponding handlers. For a full implementation of a Copas
HTTP server you can refer to Xavante as an example.


cvs-2dev10 years ago78 downloads
1.2.1-110 years ago3,760 downloads
1.2.0-110 years ago50 downloads
1.1.6-110 years ago363 downloads
1.1.5-110 years ago214 downloads
1.1.4-110 years ago144 downloads
1.1.3-110 years ago291 downloads
1.1.2-110 years ago165 downloads
1.1.1-110 years ago100 downloads


Coxpcall >= 1.13
lua >= 5.1
LuaSocket >= 2.0

Dependency for

async-utils, chaboksms, ConcurrentLua, ConcurrentLua, Copas-Async, Copas-Async, copas-ev, copas-sse, CopasTimer, CopasTimer, cosy-client, ggram, harpseal, homie, homie45, ltl, lua-express, lua-long-polling, lua-minittp, lua-requests-async, lua-websockets, luaxpl, luaxpl, melipayamak, neuro-game-sdk, tango-complete, tango-complete, tango-copas, tango-copas, telegram, tethys, Xavante, Xavante