$ luarocks install satelito
Satelito is a static site generator (SSG) made with Lua.
Satelito uses Markdown (and HTML) for basic content and optionally Lua files for metadata. There is no front matter support; but Lua tables are used for storing functions that can extend the functionality of your site.
For templates, Satelito uses the Etlua templating language. It is simple but powerful, because it allows you to run Lua scripts directly in templates.
Through the use of Satelito you become familiar with Lua, a fast lightweight programming language that has a small learning curve.
See the project wiki for further details <https://codeberg.org/hs0ucy/Satelito/wiki>.
argparse >= 0.7.1-1
etlua >= 0.6.0
inspect >= 3.1.1
lua >= 5.3
lua-discount >=
LuaFileSystem >= 1.8.0-1
mimetypes >= 1.0.0-2