Elegant Lua unit testing.

An elegant, extensible, testing framework.
Ships with a large amount of useful asserts,
plus the ability to write your own. Output
in pretty or plain terminal format, JSON,
or TAP for CI integration. Great for TDD
and unit, integration, and functional tests.


1.11.0-010 years ago22 downloads
1.5-110 years ago58 downloads


ansicolors >= 1.0-1
dkjson >= 2.1.0
lua >= 5.1
LuaFileSystem >= 1.5.0
luassert >= 1.7.0-0
penlight >= 1.0.0-1
say >= 1.2-1

Dependency for

arweave, behaviour_tree, busted-stable, busted-tl, Caribay, dd-lua-tester, ddt, gin, hneutil-lua, ios-icons, ios-icons, jwt, jwt, jwt-jitsi, lluv-busted, Loowy, lua-import, lua-resty-busted, lua-resty-busted2, Luark, lusty, lusty-config, lusty-error-status, lusty-form, lusty-html, lusty-json, lusty-log, lusty-log-console, lusty-mustache, lusty-request-file, lusty-request-pattern, lusty-rewrite-param, lusty-statsd, lusty-store, lusty-store-mongo, lusty-store-mysql, lusty-template, mineunit, mooncrafts, petrisport, promise, riemoon, teliksandi, validate-args, vusted
