
Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.

$ luarocks install telescope.nvim

A highly extendable fuzzy finder over lists.
Built on the latest awesome features from neovim core.
Telescope is centered around modularity, allowing for easy customization.


scm-11 year ago30,020 downloads
0.1.8-1120 days ago209 downloads
0.1.7-1124 days ago7 downloads
0.1.6-1192 days ago1,964 downloads
0.1.5-1298 days ago36 downloads
0.1.4-1346 days ago12 downloads
0.1.3-11 year ago19 downloads
0.1.2-11 year ago37 downloads
0.1.1-11 year ago27 downloads
0.1.0-11 year ago5 downloads


lua >= 5.1

Dependency for

chatgpt.nvim, commander.nvim, easypick.nvim, hardhat.nvim, leetcode.nvim, neorg-se, neorg-telescope, smart-open.nvim, startup.nvim, telekasten.nvim, telescope-dap.nvim, telescope-file-browser.nvim, telescope-frecency.nvim, telescope-manix, telescope-project.nvim, telescope-undo.nvim

